Discover the Unmatched Benefits of Helicopter Charter

No longer used exclusively by celebrities and the super-rich, helicopter charter is becoming an increasingly popular mode of transport. Not only does it offer a level of flexibility that private jets simply can’t, it is also a very versatile way to travel. Whether you are travelling for business, to a sporting event or hitting the slopes, helicopter charter offers the perfect solution. Still need to be convinced, then read our Top 5 benefits of helicopter charter and see how chartering a helicopter can benefit you.

Male helicopter pilot in uniform standing beside the helicopter

Point-to-point-travel by helicopter

Point-to-Point travel

Helicopters do not need a landing strip; they just need enough space to land, making getting to your destination a breeze. Depart from you own backyard, yacht, hotel roof top or field and fly direct to your destination, saving you time on transfers. You can also save time by avoiding the traffic jams and arriving at your location quickly, stress-free and in comfort and style. Its certainly a way to impress and make an entrance!

Helicopter tour in New York City

Multi-city hops by helicopter

Multi-city hops

Some helicopters can reach up to a speed of 170 miles per hour making it a fast and convenient way to travel. If you need to visit more than one city in a day then helicopter charter would be the ideal choice. It also eliminates the need for overnight stays which can be costly and highly inconvenient. We all know that time equals money and with a helicopter charter flight you can save both.

Helicopter landing at a heli pad

Access remote locations

Access remote locations

If skiing is your thing, then helicopter transfers can save you a lot of time on transfers from the airport to your favourite ski resort. For instance, if you are visiting Chamonix Ski Resort, the nearest airport to this resort is Geneva. Once you land, you then have another 2-hour drive (approx. 80km each way) to get to the resort itself, a total for 4 hours. If you charter a helicopter, you can fly direct to Chamonix Heliport in approx. 20 minutes, a total saving of 3 hours and 20 minutes.

Smiling man and woman alighted from a private helicopter with pilot standing by

Make an impression

Make an impression

First impressions count and what better way to make an impression than by arriving to that all-important business meeting by helicopter. It sends out a clear message that you are willing to invest money and get the job done. So, take to the skies, get there faster, in style and exude power and professionalism everywhere you go.

City view from a helicopter cock-pit

Sight-seeing by helicopter


And finally, one benefit that you get from helicopter charter flights and not from private jets is the ability to do some sight-seeing on your way to your destination. Helicopters are not permitted to fly above regular aircraft and can fly at different heights, making it the perfect solution for sightseeing tours. The large windows also allow passengers to take in the spectacular aerial views and the ability to stay in one place means you can get some amazing photo opportunities. There truly is no better way to see a city than flying above it in a helicopter.

Once you have experienced the convenience and versatility, along with the exceptional views and thrilling adventure travelling by helicopter has to offer, we are certain you will agree, there is no better way to travel.


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